DGUV Information 203-077e - Thermal hazards due to electric fault arcing Guide for selecting Personal protective equipment

Abschnitt 3.2 - 3.2 Case-by-case evaluation

Evaluations on a case-by-case basis must address specific situations. Other framing conditions (e.g. ergonomics, acceptance, etc.) must also be considered, while potential/sensible technical and organizational measures are to be adopted in order to achieve the following exemplary provisions:

  • The PPEaA class APC 1 available in the company may be used on a case-by-case basis for a specific task on a specific installation.

  • The PPEaA class APC 2 is to be used where the expected electric arc energy is higher than class APC 2.

  • The PPEaA class APC 2, which is demonstrably capable of providing protection against higher thermal loading (verified through testing at higher test levels using the Box test method), is to be used where the expected electric arc energy is higher than class APC 2.