DGUV Information 203-077e - Thermal hazards due to electric fault arcing Guide for selecting Personal protective equipment

Annex 1 - Directives, Regulation, Literature

A 1.1
EU Directives and Regulations

Reference source:

Bundesanzeiger Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, (German Federal Gazette)

Post box 10 05 34, 50445 Cologne, Germany

  1. [1]

    Regulation (EU) 2016/425 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on personal protective equipment and repealing Council Directive 89/686/EEC.

A 1.2
Provisions, Rules and Information for occupational safety and health

Reference source:

Your responsible insurance provider or at www.dguv.de/publikationen

  1. [2]

    German Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG)

  2. [3]

    DGUV Regulation 1 "Principles of Prevention"

  3. [4]

    DGUV Regulation 3 and 4 "Electrical Systems and Equipment"

A 1.3
Standards/VDE provisions

Reference source:

Beuth-Verlag GmbH, Burggrafenstraßse 6, 10787 Berlin, Germany

VDE-Verlag, Bismarckstraße 33, 10625 Berlin, Germany

  1. [5]

    DIN EN ISO 14116: Protective clothing - Protection against heat and flame - materials, material combinations and clothing with limited flame spread (2015-11).

  2. [6]

    prENV 50354: Electrical arc test methods for material and garments used by workers at risk of exposure to electrical arcing (2000).

  3. [7]

    DIN EN 31010 (VDE 0050-1): Risk management - Risk assessment techniques (2010-11)

  4. [8]

    DIN EN 60909 (VDE 0102): Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems - Part 0: Calculation of currents (2016-12)

  5. [9]

    DIN EN 61660-1 (VDE 0102-10) Short-circuit currents - Short-circuit currents in d.c. auxiliary installations in power plants and substations - Part 1: Calculation of short-circuit currents (1998-06)

  6. [10]

    DIN EN 61482-1-1 (VDE 0682-306-1-1): Live working - Protective clothing against the thermal hazards of an electric arc - Part 1-1: Test methods - Method 1: Determination of the arc rating (ELIM, ATPV and/or EBT) of clothing materials and of protective clothing using an open arc (2020-08).

  7. [11]

    DIN EN 61482-1-2 (VDE 0682-306-1-2): Live working - Protective clothing against the thermal hazards of an electric arc - Part 1-2: Test methods - Method 2: Determination of Arc protection class of material and clothing by using a constrained and directed arc (box test)

  8. [12]

    IEC 61482-2: Live working - Protective clothing against the thermal hazards of an electric arc - Part 2: Requirements (2018-05).

  9. [13]

    RfU CNB/P/03.024: RECOMMENDATION FOR USE "Eye and face protection against electrical arc; additional requirements" (2013-03)

  10. [14]

    NFPA 70E: Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace (2018).

  11. [15]

    IEEE 1584: Guide for performing arc-flash hazard calculations (2018).

  12. [16]

    ASTM F2178 - 12: Standard Test Method for Determining the Arc Rating and Standard Specification for Face Protective Products

  13. [17]

    ASTM F2178 - 17b: Standard Test Method for Determining the Arc Rating and Standard Specification for Eye or Face Protective Products

  14. [18]

    ASTM F2675/F2675M - 13: Standard Test Method for Determining Arc Ratings of Hand Protective Products Developed and Used for Electrical Arc Flash Protection

  15. [19]

    IEC 63232-1-1 ED1 Live Working - Hand Protective Devices Against the Thermal Hazards of an Electric ARC - Part 1-1: Test methods - Method 1: Determination of the arc rating (ELIM, ATPV and/or EBT) of hand protective devices using an open arc; CD 2020

  16. [20]

    IEC 63232-1-1 ED1 Live Working - Hand Protective Devices Against the Thermal Hazards of an Electric ARC - Part 1-1: Test methods - Method 2: Determination of arc protection class hand protective devices by using a constrained and directed arc (box test); CD 2020

A 1.4

  1. [21]

    Schau, H.; Halinka A.; Winkler, W.: Elektrische Schutzeinrichtungen in Industrienetzen und -anlagen Hüthig & Pflaum Verlag München/Heidelberg 2008.

  2. [22]

    Schau, H.: Schutzausrüstung gegen Störlichtbögen auswählen. Schutz von Personen vor Störlichtbögen. Elektropraktiker, Berlin 69 (2015) 1, Pg. 44-51

  3. [23]

    GS-ET-29, Supplemental requirements for the testing and certification of electrician face shields, status as of 2010-02, Expert committee for electrical engineering testing and certification facility in DGUV Test, www.bgetem.de, Webcode: pruefstelle-et.

  4. [24]

    GS-ET-42-1, Supplemental requirements for the testing and certification of electrically insulating gloves with additional protection against the thermal effects of electric fault arcs, Status as of 2019-02, Expert committee for electrical engineering testing and certification facility in DGUV Test, www.bgetem.de, Webcode: pruefstelle-et

  5. [25]

    GS-ET-42-2, Supplemental requirements for the testing and certification of heat-protective gloves with additional protection against the thermal effects of electric fault arcs, Status as of 2019-02, Expert committee for electrical engineering testing and certification facility in DGUV Test, www.bgetem.de Webcode: pruefstelle-et

  6. [26]

    IVSS Guideline for the selection of personal protective equipment when exposed to the thermal effects of an electric fault arc (2nd edition 2011)

  7. [27]

    Feasibility study related to the testing and evaluation of protective gloves against the thermal hazards of electric fault arcing. Feasibility study in German - (AG: BGFE; AN: STFI/TU Ilmenau), STFI final report from 30 May 2005

  8. [28]

    Literature reference to lectures held by the BG ETEM Dept. of Electrical Engineering in 2018

Further literature references are made available on a continuing basis. These are available on the Internet website of the Subcommittee Electrical Engineering and Precision Mechanics of the DGUV Department of the Expert Committee Energy Textile Electrical Media Products (ETEM) of DGUV (www.dguv.de; Webcode: d1183022). g_bu_1890_as_17.jpg